Nile mají k nové desce bicí


Nile 2011Karl Sanders, George Kollias a Dallas Toler-Wade prožili posledních několik týdnů s Neilem Kernonem a Bobem Moorem v Soundlab studiu (Columbia, South Carolina), kde se točily bicí na novou desku NILE, George vše nabušil s týdenním předstihem.

Vložit komentář

Wajt - 07.12.11 16:04:32
Se vsadím, že se tam vůbec nesype ;)
Annal - 07.12.11 14:54:13
Kollias je pomalej, Longstreth by to nahral minimalne s desetidennim predstihem
DW - 07.12.11 14:23:09
nový Cerebrum :))
bizzaro - 07.12.11 13:37:23
TY KOKSO! :-O to je marťan! hlavne ze to u Nile nefunguje jako u Dream Teamu aka hrajes jen s nama a dikycau. no uvidime, jsem zvedavej, s cim se vytasi!
Morbo - 07.12.11 13:04:00
Bizz: Hehe a krom toho eště umí ohýbat časoprostor a zařídil si pro sebe minimálně 30ti hodinový dny, protože jinak si nedovedu představit tohle, co jsem od něj četl někdy minulý týden: "Also, some of you here think all I do is Nile and you are wrong. This year for example I have done 4 session recordings (one of them for a band that will kick ass-ADE-and the rest is nothing close to Metal), the new Nile album-just finished, 43 drum clinics so far including some of the biggest drum festivals worldwide and started my new DVD already which is coming out in 2012. Going back home now for 4 more clinics, 5 more recording sessions (one is the new Cerebrum and one is a very well known band which I can’t say anything for now), my solo album is on the way and will be done all by me and I have 2 new bands coming up which one of them is pure funk. Not to mention all the lessons which has been taken on the next level with my school's Professional Program where i have to travel around the world and that takes A LOT of my time."
bizzaro - 07.12.11 01:15:11
robot. masina. android. zabte ho.

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