Hudební ohlédnutí, týden 11-2025

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Nestihli jste všechny novinky, nebo se vám je nechce číst? Chyba, ale nevadí! Hudebně to nejzajímavější z 11. týdne letošního roku přinášíme v novém playlistu - WeekMix.

DISEMBODIED TYRANT - 8.6 Blackout (singl, Nuclear Blast)
symphonic deathcore

HANGING GARDEN - To Seize The Night (The Unending (EP), Agonia Records)
melancholic metal, gothic metal, doom metal

WALTARI - Murder Plot (Nations‘ Neurosis, Metalville Records)

THE CALLOUS DAOBOYS – Lemon (I Don’t Want To See You In Heaven, Mnrk Heavy)
mathcore, pop crossover

SLEEP TOKEN - Emergence (Even In Arcadia, RCA Records)
progressive metal, post-metal, djent

INCEPTION OF FALL - Elegy Of An Empyrean II: The Unalloyed (Elegy Of An Empyrean, DIY)
technical death metal, progressive death metal

ESCARNIUM - Relentless Katabasis (Inexorable Entropy, Everlasting Spew Records)
death metal

BURY TOMORROW – Waiting (Will You Haunt Me, With That Same Patience, Napalm Records)

ALLEGAEON - The Swarm (The Ossuary Lens, Metal Blade Records)
technical death metal, melodic death metal

AUSTERE - Time Awry (The Stillness Of Dissolution, Prophecy Productions)
depressive black metal, black metal

LUCIFER'S CHILD - Ichor (The Illuminant, Agonia Records)
black metal

WARBRINGER - Through A Glass, Darkly (Wrath and Ruin, Napalm Records)
thrash metal

RIVERS OF NIHIL - American Death (Rivers Of Nihil, Metal Blade Records)
technical death metal, atmospheric death metal

GAALHS WYRD - Braiding The Stories (Braiding The Stories, Season Of Mist Records, Indie Recordings)
black metal, atmospheric black metal

WORMROT - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Grind (TNT, Earache Records)

CRADLE OF FILTH - White Hellebore (The Screaming Of The Valkyries, Napalm Records)
black metal, gothic metal, symphonic black metal, symphonic metal

NEPTUNIAN MAXIMALISM - At Dusk : Raag Marwa : Vilambit Laya Alaap (Le Sacre Du Soleil Invaincu, I, Voidhanger Records)
avant-rock, improvizace, free jazz, avantgarde jazz, psychedelic rock, tribal experimental, avantgarde metal, drone

AGABAS - Jævla menneske (Hard Anger, DIY)
deathjazz, mathcore, death metal, hardcore, progressive metal, jazz, black metal

WHITECHAPEL - Hate Cult Ritual (Hymns In Dissonance, Metal Blade Records)

OCEAN OF GRIEF - Ghosts Inside (singl)
gothic metal, doom metal

IMMINENCE - God Fearing Man (singl)
modern metal

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